Calameties at Sea
There are many frightening tales of little folk and their greed! Much driven by the memories of hunger in cold grey winters, the wish to stock their larders ever deeper, led to tiny catastrophes.
The crabb apple harvest was a particular cause of disaster.
I have tried to record this as fairly as I can, some of these tales....
Coming soon....
The great storm of 1987
My favorite thing to find is a tiny ship wreck . I hope none where tragic and I am sure they weren't. The south cost is a particular favorite place to hunt for the rusting hulks. Lepe beach, a good place to start. A little gang of very musical crabs I know of, often meet at the fairy ship wreck 'Osprey' for a crabb jam! When they start, tiny things come out to dance by the driftwood bonfires.
I will post many more photos when my welly boots are fixed.